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Joshua Rose
E m p l o y m e n t   | E d u c a t i o n | A c t i v i t i e s  | R e f e r e n c e
O b j e c t i v e My objective is to work for a company that will enable me to grow professionaly and personnaly. I am looking for a company with oppritunities forgrowth within and one that will allow me to use my knowledge of horticulture and landscaping.
E m p l o y m e n t
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Landscape Management
Landscape Crew Foreman
Hilliard, Ohio
- Managed a crew of four workers in day to day job completion
- Worked on various jobs including plant installation, maintenance, and hardscape installation.
- Learned the business side of the company including financial and management. 

Bakers Village Garden Center
General Laborer
Dublin, Ohio
- Started as a laborer and worked my way to managing other workers
- Supervised younger workers in day to day garden center and nursery projects.
- Was head of customer service at garden center

E d u c a t i o n
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The Ohio State University
BS in Landscape Horticulture, Winter 2002 
Columbus, Ohio
- Minor- Ag- business
- GPA- 3.30

Contibuted to the development of the OSU Distance Education web course.

A c t i v i t i e s
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- I am very active in a wide range of sports including football, softball, and raquetball.
- I am active in the Columbus Darters Association and play in a number of leagues and tournaments throughout the state of Ohio. 
- I recently have found computers enjoyable. I am particularly interested in computer design programs and planning programs. 
R e f e r e n c e
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Joe Minardo
Owner, Landscape Management
(614) 870-2235
P.O. box 514
Roger Baker
Owner, Bakers Village Garden Center
(614) 889-9407
6767 Dublin Rd.
Greg Rogers
Owner, Rogers Fire Protection
(614) 889-7654
100 Harper Blvd.